Rev. Lucas Torres


My heart is very sad this morning. Today, Rev. Lucas Torres has gone home to be with the Lord. He was a pastor, a leader, a teacher, a theologian, and so much more.
I have so many memories of Pastor Lucas, but one in particular that I'll never forget is the evening when he came to visit our Hispanic Theology class in CTS. He sat down and spoke, and all the class could do was soak up his knowledge and wisdom. It was incredible!
Though this is a sad day in the Obra Hispana and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), but we also celebrate his life and legacy because he surely loved the Church, and he surely loved God.

what would Walt do!


Before attending seminary, I worked at Walt Disney Disney World. I worked there for 7 years, and my experiences there fueled my passion for hospitality, and quite frankly paved the way to choosing Hospitality Management as my undergraduate work.
Well, during my recent move back to Florida from Indiana, I found a lot of things that I had not seen for a while. One of those things was a pin that says "WWWD," which stands for "What Would Walt Do." (it's a playoff of WWJD - What would Jesus do)
I remember a guest giving me that pin when I worked at the Yacht and Beach Club. On the back of the pin is a website, so I got curious, went to the website, and found an article of me! Wow! I could not believe it!

I did not know the impact of my service to these guests. As a result of this article, I learned a valuable lesson, one that I will carry with me to ministry: you just never know.

So, I share this "achievement" with everyone from the year 2003. Click here to read it.