Touch me!

Here is the latest 5-minute Friday video entitled, "Touch me!"
I post these short devotionals every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month on the Arise Facebook page.

What if the cross could talk?

In preparation for Sunday's message, I've been asking various people the following question:

If the cross that Jesus was nailed to could talk, what do you think it would say?

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Arise video on Vimeo

I am pretty excited about this new video that was done for Arise Christian Church!

Instead of having me, the pastor, talk for a while about the ministry, I thought it would be best to introduce myself, and to hear about Arise from the mouths of the people.
It turned out great!!! Many thanks to everyone who helped and participated!


the One

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My sister-in-law created a blog entitled, The Search for the One. It's a blog designed with single women in mind, to provide insight and encouragement towards their "search for the one." For a few weeks she had been interviewing married women, and sharing their journey. Well, this time she wanted a male perspective.

She recently e-interviewed me, and featured my story.

a NEW season!

Here is this week's 5-minute Friday video entitled, "a NEW season!"

What/Who does God look like?

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In circles of conversations concerning Christian Anthropology, many offer their thought(s) about the Imago Dei (the image of God). We are made in the image of God. But what does God look like?

Throughout the Bible, God is described with human features (hands and feet); mythology has offered us an image of Zeus, with lightning bolts being thrown from heaven; C.S. Lewis created Aslan, the lion; some claim that they see God when they look at nature.

So who is God in your life? What does God look like to you?