Painting during sermon

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This past Sunday I experienced something I have never experienced before in ministry: while I preached, someone painted!

It was awesome how God was speaking through the Word, and how God was speaking through the paint(er).
The sermon focused on the words of Jesus in Luke 4: 14-21, and the painting focused on Luke 4:18 in particular.

Here is the before and after:

(Artist: Alida Perez; Photos: Sonia Acevedo)

If Walt Disney were a church planter...

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When you think about Walt Disney, you don't necessarily think about church planting. You think about Mickey Mouse, family, films, theme parks, etc.

But I imagine that if he were a church planter, he would have been very good at it! After all, "it was all started by a mouse."
Years ago, Walt Disney had a dream, a passion, a vision. Today, his legacy lives through one of the greatest and largest entertainment companies in the world!

I find that his leadership characteristics are applicable to ministry, and particularly, church planting.
Here are some quotes of Walt Disney that inspire me and motivate me in ministry:

(Photos were taken at Walt Disney World)

Amen Dr. King!

It's not easy being a "person of color." Everyday is living en la lucha (in the struggle).

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, may we all be reminded of the dream of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Hispanic Heritage Month at Arise


I am pretty excited about what's planned during Hispanic Heritage Month @ Arise!
Check out the poster!