The 21st Century Church?

What is the Church going to look like? What does the Church look like?

These are some questions that are being asked as it relates to the 21st century.

These 2 videos, though comedic, paint some interesting images of the Church.
As one person recently said, "Where did we go wrong?!"
What are your thoughts?

forever JONES - He wants it all!

This song has been ministering to me for the last few weeks!
I listen to it right before I go do a set at Disney. Reminds me that God wants it all!

In-betweeness: a Lenten Reflection

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Luke 23:33

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left.

Arise Christian Church is a new church in Orlando, FL that is intentional about serving 2nd, 3rd, and beyond generations of Hispanic/Latino(a)s, a population that is often overseen or ignored. It is a demographic that is in search for an identity, largely because the dominant culture of this country rejects them and tells them that they are not from here. Yet, their motherland also rejects them because they were never born there. We are a people in the middle of these two realities: they both define us, yet both reject us. It is a state of “in-betweeness,” an often lonely and sad place.

However, to be in a state of cultural “in-betweeness” is also a sacred place because it is here that we encounter Jesus. When Jesus was crucified, he was placed in between two thieves to die, and it is here that Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43) Jesus is found in the in-betweeness of our reality(ies) of everyday life. It is here where we encounter a Jesus who knows us and understands us, and affirms that we are not a mistake. It is in this state of in-betweeness where we find wholeness, forgiveness, love, identity and salvation. To be “in-between” is to live with Jesus.

By Rev. Samuel Robles Jr., M.Div.

Pastor and co-planter of Arise Christian Church (Orlando, FL)

Keep strangers dry

The weather in Central Florida has been warm and sunny. There hasn't been any rain. Yet, just the other day, everyone was surprised to wake up to morning rain showers. Thankfully I grabbed an umbrella as I headed out the door, but not everyone was prepared.

I was on my way to rehearsals at Disney, and had parked my car backstage. The only parking left was way towards the back and required a lengthy walk to the cast entrance. As I was walking, I noticed an older gentleman ahead of me in the distance walking with a limp and he did not have an umbrella. I could tell that he was trying to hurry because he was getting wet. I was too far to do anything. I felt so bad. Just then, a woman with an umbrella offered to help him keep dry and walk with him to the entrance. I was touched.

I started to reflect on Matthew 25 and what Jesus says about "the least of these." I don't know if this woman was Christian, but what an example of demonstrating the love of Christ: she outreached to a total stranger who needed help by keeping him dry.

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