Forgotten God? Forget God? Remember who?

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I have been reading a lot of Francis Chan's writing this year. In fact, our entire church is reading the books of Francis Chan. Our small groups have read Crazy Love, and now we're reading Forgotten God.

As a new church, we've attracted people from various backgrounds, e.g. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic, non-Denominational, and the unchurched. Our church is so diverse! It's beautiful. But with this diversity comes different theological understandings, especially on the Holy Spirit. As a result, we decided as a church to spend the summer in dialogue about the Holy Spirit, and we felt that Forgotten God by Francis Chan was a good conversation starter.

So far we are 3 weeks into our study, and it has been amazing so far!
You can read the Intro and Chapter 1 on the Forgotten God website.