soaking in the moment

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It's the day after Easter...and my adrenaline is still high!!!

Yesterday was a blessed day @ Arise Christian Church! Here are some of my debriefing notes:
  • It is not part of my ministerial DNA to boast about turnout or attendance, but I must admit, I felt as though the great turnout we had @ Arise was a sign from God about what is to come. I am not into the numbers who attend. I am into the numbers who are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is preparing me and getting me ready, and I honestly cannot wait to see what God has in store.
  • It was amazing to see that the people God brought to Arise were not "churched" folks. They were people in spiritual need. After the service I had a conversation with a visitor who is not into "organized religion" (an exact quote). However, this person had to step outside during the service because there was an overwhelming emotion covering them that was "intense" (again, direct quote). If that ain't God, I don't know what is!
  • I so enjoyed the baptisms. What a humbling experience to see these lives transformed by the living Gospel, and not be ashamed to share it with the world!
  • I was so proud of all of our leaders and members! Yesterday, all hands were on deck! Everyone worked so hard, and everything went so smoothly. Honestly, everything was better than what I imagined. Good job team!
When I got home after the worship service, I was trying to find words to express how happy I was, and all I could express was that I was actually speechless. All I can do is soak in the moment, and give God all the credit, glory, and praise.

Samuel Robles Jr. said...
April 6, 2010 at 4:35 PM  

Here is a comment left on the Arise FB page concerning this blog entry from Maria:

Read your blog but couldn't post a comment so here it is: As I read your "notes," I got chills like 10 times. I am so excited about what God is doing at Arise and in each and every one of us! The glory be to God but I also want you to know Pastor, that you're doing a good job too!

Thanks Maria!

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