Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 3


It was pretty emotional making this video. I've seen it many times, and each time it doesn't feel like it's me speaking.
This video leaves me in awe of how awesome God truly is. I am humbled that I am the pastor and co-pastor of Arise Christian Church.

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 3 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!
These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Walt Disney on Leadership

This is self-explanatory.

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Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 2

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 2 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!
These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Dark Water Fishing

What do you see happening in this picture?

Drawing by Geno Ford

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A favorite quote

This is one of my favorite quotes!

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Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 1

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 1 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!

These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Are you superstitious?

Here is the latest 5-minute Friday video, which actually fell on Friday the 13th.
So it is appropriately entitled, Are you superstitious?

Clergy burnout!

Clergy suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at rates higher than most Americans.
This article speaks volumes to me!

Taking a Break From the Lord’s Work

May all clergy practice the importance of self-care!
Remember, even Jesus went out to pray and rejuvenate:

Luke 5: 15-16
Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.