Greed hurts...

How far will greed take you?
Would you even hurt those you love, just for the sake of greed?

Breathe In, Breathe Out


Breathe In, Breathe Out
July 16, 2010 5-minute Friday

Optimistic about future of Latino/a Church

I just wrapped up a few days of directing the Youth & Young Adults programming for the 15th Hispanic and Bilingual Assembly. This assembly culminated a 3 year vision from our National Pastor, Rev. Dr. Huberto Pimentel. It was a vision to lift up youth ministry around the US & Canada. The vision took us to New York, New Jersey, Indianapolis, Orlando, and even Walt Disney World! And if you ask me if I think we were successful in fulfilling the vision, my answer would be "YES!"

Over the last 3 years I have met some of the most amazing youth and young adults. These are young people that have God-given gifts and talents. All they need is someone to encourage and support them.

This is a pic of a few Latino pastors who God is using around this country to fulfill His vision. I am truly optimistic about the future of our Hispanic/Latino(a) Church. May God receive all glory, honor, and praise!

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