Thankful for Arise!


I am thankful!
I am thankful for many things!
I am thankful that others are thankful, too!

As a new church pastor, one of the things that fills me with joy is to hear people from the church share how thankful they are for the church.

Here are a few Facebook posts that people have posted about Arise Christian Church:

  • Week of giving thanks! I thank the Lord for ALL of my Arise Familia! for being such an amazing support! I am so happy to be part of what God is doing at Arise :)
  • Thankful for hangout nights with my Arise family!!
  • Thankful for God placing my family at Arise Christian Church. Thankful for a place that I can go each week that revives me. Thankful for my Pastor and his wife who lead while loving. Thankful for our church family which rocks. THANKFUL.
  • I am thankful for Arise Christian Church. They have embraced me and my girls without judgment. Through them I have seen how wonderful and loving a body of Christ can be. They are a blessing from the skies! :)
  • I'm thankful for my church family, and all the exciting things that we are going through together. :)

God has certainly been good! May His name continue to be glorified, because He is worthy to be praised!

Magic vs Grizzlies

I am so excited to be at my first Magic game of this season at the new Amway Center, that I needed to share this pic. I've been looking forward to this game since my birthday in September!

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Social Media & Technology in Ministry: A Latino/a Approach

This is a workshop I put together for Hispanic/Latino(a) pastors and leaders. Most of the information that exists about social media is euro-centric, and not much exists about its value in ministry. This is an approach to social media in the Hispanic context, and serves as a "conversation-starter" for its potential in ministry