Eduardo's Testimony


What an eye-opening testimony!
Really puts in perspective the power of celebrity vs the power of God.

I'm so excited to read!

I don't think I've ever been so excited to read...ever!
Through a recent grant, I was able to get about 15 books that I want to read (as opposed to having to read).
These are 4 books that I am currently working through. They are helping me immensely as a new church planter and pastor.
I love learning!

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Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward!
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Linus Christmas Monologue

Linus got it right!
(I love A Charlie Brown Christmas)

The Muppets "The 12 Days of Christmas"

I love The Muppets!

They crack me up!

Thankful for Arise!


I am thankful!
I am thankful for many things!
I am thankful that others are thankful, too!

As a new church pastor, one of the things that fills me with joy is to hear people from the church share how thankful they are for the church.

Here are a few Facebook posts that people have posted about Arise Christian Church:

  • Week of giving thanks! I thank the Lord for ALL of my Arise Familia! for being such an amazing support! I am so happy to be part of what God is doing at Arise :)
  • Thankful for hangout nights with my Arise family!!
  • Thankful for God placing my family at Arise Christian Church. Thankful for a place that I can go each week that revives me. Thankful for my Pastor and his wife who lead while loving. Thankful for our church family which rocks. THANKFUL.
  • I am thankful for Arise Christian Church. They have embraced me and my girls without judgment. Through them I have seen how wonderful and loving a body of Christ can be. They are a blessing from the skies! :)
  • I'm thankful for my church family, and all the exciting things that we are going through together. :)

God has certainly been good! May His name continue to be glorified, because He is worthy to be praised!

Magic vs Grizzlies

I am so excited to be at my first Magic game of this season at the new Amway Center, that I needed to share this pic. I've been looking forward to this game since my birthday in September!

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Social Media & Technology in Ministry: A Latino/a Approach

This is a workshop I put together for Hispanic/Latino(a) pastors and leaders. Most of the information that exists about social media is euro-centric, and not much exists about its value in ministry. This is an approach to social media in the Hispanic context, and serves as a "conversation-starter" for its potential in ministry

Responding to Halloween: A Christian Perspective


The debate on whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween is ongoing. Different people offer different perspectives, often as to what seems as polar opposite opinions, yet Christian.

There are 2 areas that I have found to be vital elements in this conversation: marketing and history. Engaging with these 2 elements should be explored to draw one's own conclusion. I have wrestled with this topic, and so I offer the following perspective.

Modern day Halloween is cleverly crafted to be enticing to people of all ages, particularly children. It aims to make money, unfortunately just like many other holidays throughout the year. I mention this because people who sell costumes, candy, and tickets to scary Halloween events don't care about you or the spiritual ramifications of the "holiday." All they care about is your money, and how it can get into their hands. They don't care that parents are dressing up in costumes that depict demonic figures; they don't care about the amount of sugar consumption your body will inherit; they don't care that your children are flirting with images of death and witchcraft.
Once they have your money, they will not be present to help you deal with the spiritual torment and fear that many have experienced because of the merchandise you have brought into your home that symbolize Satan, evil, and a dark realm. They will not be there to help you when you need help in the middle of the night to sleep because you're scared. Just remember, YOU are the one that has been lured into this market and engaged with these symbols.

Halloween did not just start yesterday. This "holiday" has a pagan past, with much of its historical practices being celebrated today. When one engages with Halloween, one must realize that there is a story behind it. And yes, Halloween is portrayed as fun and innocent, but do not be so naive as to dismiss the historical, spiritual element of its purpose.

Here are some links that I have found to be useful in this ongoing discussion:

  • Here is a video entitled, How Should Christians Approach Halloween?

Here is the article version of this video entitled, "Should Christians celebrate Halloween." A great read!

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
-1 John 4:4 (New International Version)

God is LOVE




Painting during sermon

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This past Sunday I experienced something I have never experienced before in ministry: while I preached, someone painted!

It was awesome how God was speaking through the Word, and how God was speaking through the paint(er).
The sermon focused on the words of Jesus in Luke 4: 14-21, and the painting focused on Luke 4:18 in particular.

Here is the before and after:

(Artist: Alida Perez; Photos: Sonia Acevedo)

If Walt Disney were a church planter...

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When you think about Walt Disney, you don't necessarily think about church planting. You think about Mickey Mouse, family, films, theme parks, etc.

But I imagine that if he were a church planter, he would have been very good at it! After all, "it was all started by a mouse."
Years ago, Walt Disney had a dream, a passion, a vision. Today, his legacy lives through one of the greatest and largest entertainment companies in the world!

I find that his leadership characteristics are applicable to ministry, and particularly, church planting.
Here are some quotes of Walt Disney that inspire me and motivate me in ministry:

(Photos were taken at Walt Disney World)

Amen Dr. King!

It's not easy being a "person of color." Everyday is living en la lucha (in the struggle).

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, may we all be reminded of the dream of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Hispanic Heritage Month at Arise


I am pretty excited about what's planned during Hispanic Heritage Month @ Arise!
Check out the poster!

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 3


It was pretty emotional making this video. I've seen it many times, and each time it doesn't feel like it's me speaking.
This video leaves me in awe of how awesome God truly is. I am humbled that I am the pastor and co-pastor of Arise Christian Church.

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 3 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!
These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Walt Disney on Leadership

This is self-explanatory.

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Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 2

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 2 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!
These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Dark Water Fishing

What do you see happening in this picture?

Drawing by Geno Ford

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A favorite quote

This is one of my favorite quotes!

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Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 1

Arise Anniversary Reflection Video: I am a witness Part 1 from arisecc on Vimeo.

Arise Christian Church is celebrating its 1 year anniversary!

These videos give a glimpse of what God has done and is doing at Arise thru the lens of our congregation.

Are you superstitious?

Here is the latest 5-minute Friday video, which actually fell on Friday the 13th.
So it is appropriately entitled, Are you superstitious?

Clergy burnout!

Clergy suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at rates higher than most Americans.
This article speaks volumes to me!

Taking a Break From the Lord’s Work

May all clergy practice the importance of self-care!
Remember, even Jesus went out to pray and rejuvenate:

Luke 5: 15-16
Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Greed hurts...

How far will greed take you?
Would you even hurt those you love, just for the sake of greed?

Breathe In, Breathe Out


Breathe In, Breathe Out
July 16, 2010 5-minute Friday

Optimistic about future of Latino/a Church

I just wrapped up a few days of directing the Youth & Young Adults programming for the 15th Hispanic and Bilingual Assembly. This assembly culminated a 3 year vision from our National Pastor, Rev. Dr. Huberto Pimentel. It was a vision to lift up youth ministry around the US & Canada. The vision took us to New York, New Jersey, Indianapolis, Orlando, and even Walt Disney World! And if you ask me if I think we were successful in fulfilling the vision, my answer would be "YES!"

Over the last 3 years I have met some of the most amazing youth and young adults. These are young people that have God-given gifts and talents. All they need is someone to encourage and support them.

This is a pic of a few Latino pastors who God is using around this country to fulfill His vision. I am truly optimistic about the future of our Hispanic/Latino(a) Church. May God receive all glory, honor, and praise!

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Who did you thank today?

Who did you thank today?
June 25, 2010 5-minute Friday video

My pilgrimage to Cane Ridge, KY

I recently attended a Super Peer Group & Revival training for New Church Ministry. It was an incredible event!
One of the highlights for me was to be able to visit Cane Ridge, what I commonly think of as the birthplace of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This was a "pilgrimage come true."
Here are some pics of the historic Cane Ridge Meeting House and grounds.

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Men have issues!

These are the notes to the sermon I preached on Father's Day '10 at Arise Christian Church entitled, "Men have issues!"
Use these notes as a guide to hear the sermon on the Arise Podcast. Go to to access the podcast link.

I like the "LIKE" button


The Facebook "LIKE" button in now on my blog. How cool!

Now, whenever there is a post that you "like," it will share it on your Facebook stream, so that others too may enjoy the post.
Pretty easy, huh?

So..."LIKE" away!

Makes you think...


Damaged...but "He restores my soul."


Shared wisdom

Today I spoke with my coach and had a wonderful conversation concerning what's most important in ministry.
He planted a church over 20 years, where he continues to serve today, and shared some wisdom.
He said that as he looks back in all his years of ministry, what's most important is to:
1. Teach the faith;
2. Proclaim the Gospel.

Words of shared wisdom from an experienced church planter.

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What did Jesus say?!

What did Jesus say?!

How do I delegate?

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I recently came across on article that spoke on the importance of getting folks at your church involved & active in ministry. As a result, training and equipping people in ministry is very important!

Here is a delegating model that is straight forward and helpful in terms of how to learn/teach/train:

[1] I do it and you watch.
[2] I do it and you do it.
[3] You do it and I watch/assist.
[4] You do it and I'll do something else.
(*Dave Stone's "Four Phases of Ease")

Remember, reproducing leaders should be on your ministerial agenda.

"Do I look Illegal?" A question for Arizona



We're in the middle of a new message/sermon series at Arise entitled, "SHOCK: living in awe of God."

Here is a highlight of the message on Pentecost Sunday:

When the Holy Spirit “rocks your world,” prepare to be shocked, because you are on the brink of a miraculous, unimaginable breakthrough!

3 things that motivate me & keep me on track

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I am sure we can all agree that life is not easy. But that does not mean that life has to be hard.
When we get up out of bed every morning, this action is affirming (subconsciously or consciously) that we will tackle the day ahead of us, regardless of what it brings.

Here are 3 things/thoughts that motivate me and help keep me on track:

1) Maintain faith & trust in God
This is the foundation of my life! I have come to the conclusion that I need God in my life, because my finite self cannot do it alone. My theological convictions remind me that God is faithful and worthy of my praise.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29: 10-12

2) Staying focused on the goal/vision
Because God is part of my life, I believe that God has a purpose for/with my life. Saying "yes" to God does not guarantee a perfect life. There will be bumps and distractions down the road, but I/we must keep moving forward. If there's a problem, deal with it accordingly. But don't stay stuck there, or move backwards. Keep pressing onward!
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28: 20

3) Working harder & smarter
There is a school of thought that says, "Work smarter, not harder." This makes sense, and I affirm this. BUT, I am very careful about getting too comfortable. Sometimes a good challenge is necessary in our lives: it helps us grow and unveil traits and gifts that we never knew we had or could learn. I want to be a good steward of my time (self-care is important!), but I also want to make things better, and continue to improve.
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." - Acts 20:24

Hope this is helpful to you.

gettin' ready for Mother's Day

So, in preparation for Mother's Day, I came across this video on WingClips.
I thought it was both amazing & hilarious! I am considering showing it at Arise Christian Church in the beginning of the service.

Who are you loyal to?

Here are the notes that accompany the message, "Who are you loyal to?"
Be sure to download & listen to the podcast @

Do unto others...

Here are the notes that accompany the message, "Do unto others..."
Be sure to download & listen to the podcast @

a NEW chapter!

It's time to close the books, as many people are approaching the end of their school semester.
The chapters are closing, and likewise, there are chapters in our lives that need to be closed and need to end.

Here is this week's 5-minute Friday video entitled, "a NEW chapter!"

2010 National New Church Conference


I am so looking forward to this!
Last year was awesome! I learned so much, and I was able to implement a lot of it towards starting up Arise.
And this year, I'll be able to see some of my church planting friends from Indianapolis and Charlotte for fellowship and rejuvenation.
I cannot wait to see what I learn this year!

"Lord, speak to me!"

2010 National New Church Conference

Let God use YOU: Saul and Ananias

These are the powerpoint notes for the message entitled, "Let God use YOU."
You can hear the message by visiting and clicking on the iTunes Podcast button.
Use these notes to follow along.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Latest 5-minute Friday video entitled, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

soaking in the moment

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It's the day after Easter...and my adrenaline is still high!!!

Yesterday was a blessed day @ Arise Christian Church! Here are some of my debriefing notes:
  • It is not part of my ministerial DNA to boast about turnout or attendance, but I must admit, I felt as though the great turnout we had @ Arise was a sign from God about what is to come. I am not into the numbers who attend. I am into the numbers who are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is preparing me and getting me ready, and I honestly cannot wait to see what God has in store.
  • It was amazing to see that the people God brought to Arise were not "churched" folks. They were people in spiritual need. After the service I had a conversation with a visitor who is not into "organized religion" (an exact quote). However, this person had to step outside during the service because there was an overwhelming emotion covering them that was "intense" (again, direct quote). If that ain't God, I don't know what is!
  • I so enjoyed the baptisms. What a humbling experience to see these lives transformed by the living Gospel, and not be ashamed to share it with the world!
  • I was so proud of all of our leaders and members! Yesterday, all hands were on deck! Everyone worked so hard, and everything went so smoothly. Honestly, everything was better than what I imagined. Good job team!
When I got home after the worship service, I was trying to find words to express how happy I was, and all I could express was that I was actually speechless. All I can do is soak in the moment, and give God all the credit, glory, and praise.

Touch me!

Here is the latest 5-minute Friday video entitled, "Touch me!"
I post these short devotionals every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month on the Arise Facebook page.

What if the cross could talk?

In preparation for Sunday's message, I've been asking various people the following question:

If the cross that Jesus was nailed to could talk, what do you think it would say?

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Arise video on Vimeo

I am pretty excited about this new video that was done for Arise Christian Church!

Instead of having me, the pastor, talk for a while about the ministry, I thought it would be best to introduce myself, and to hear about Arise from the mouths of the people.
It turned out great!!! Many thanks to everyone who helped and participated!


the One

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My sister-in-law created a blog entitled, The Search for the One. It's a blog designed with single women in mind, to provide insight and encouragement towards their "search for the one." For a few weeks she had been interviewing married women, and sharing their journey. Well, this time she wanted a male perspective.

She recently e-interviewed me, and featured my story.

a NEW season!

Here is this week's 5-minute Friday video entitled, "a NEW season!"

What/Who does God look like?

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In circles of conversations concerning Christian Anthropology, many offer their thought(s) about the Imago Dei (the image of God). We are made in the image of God. But what does God look like?

Throughout the Bible, God is described with human features (hands and feet); mythology has offered us an image of Zeus, with lightning bolts being thrown from heaven; C.S. Lewis created Aslan, the lion; some claim that they see God when they look at nature.

So who is God in your life? What does God look like to you?

Arise Podcast - NEW

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A lot of folks have asked about my sermons being available on line. Well, thanks to the world of podcasting, they are!

Check out the NEW Arise Christian Church Podcast, which features my weekly sermons.
(You will need iTunes to download)


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So, I recently learned of a Wordle. It's a really cool tool that creates a "word cloud" based off of text that you provide it. Any words that are used frequently stand out with a higher font. It's pretty cool.

Here is my Wordle based off of this blog:
This Wordle revealed to me what I unintentionally write about, and brought out some themes that I didn't realize came thru my thoughts. Pretty cool!

I found this tool to be so powerful, that I am using it with the folks of Arise. It's a great way for the church to see how they feel and think about the ministry, and it demonstrates how the people perceive Arise.

Check out Wordle.

6 month reflection

As Arise Christian Church approaches its 6 month anniversary, it almost seems appropriate that I write theologically about the experience so far, or perhaps give some advice and share some secrets about what I've learned, or write an exegetical reflection. But I am not going to do that. I just want to take a moment and write about how I feel.

1) I feel like I've grown spiritually. As the new church planter and pastor, there's a lot of contact with people who need spiritual guidance. I walk side-by-side with a lot of people, but who walks with me? God does. God demonstrates to me that He fulfills His promises and that He is faithful. I have witnessed God at work in ways I've never seen before. This has drawn me closer to God.

2) I feel happy. While new church planting is a lot of work and can be very stressful, I can honestly say that I am having a lot of fun. In all my years involved in ministry, I have never said that until Arise began. Because it is fun, I am happy.

3) I feel at peace. So much has been done to get Arise to where it is today, but there's still a lot more to do. However, I feel peace because I know God is in control, and I am focused on the mission and calling He has placed before me.

I am humbled that God called me, that God chose me for such a time as this.

(Image by Erik Huber)

Conversations can be holy moments

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Earlier this week I had a great conversation about church administration and stewardship with a colleague. My day started off today conversing with a fellow new church pastor about mobile ministry, and tomorrow I will be talking with my coach. In between all of these conversations, are other discussions with various other people. Taking a step back and reflecting on all of these conversations, they were indeed holy moments.

What do I mean by a "holy moment?" I find that in these conversations I experience, what my seminary professor and mentor often mentioned, a "means of grace." Through these conversations, I enter into a space of dialogue where Kingdom building is the foundation. And in these conversations, I can learn something new, hear something new, share my thoughts and ideas, give testimony, discern, challenge myself, disagree, etc. This is indeed a holy moment because I am a different person at the end of the conversation than when I started the conversation. May God be praised!

A lot of people view inquiry and "asking questions" as a weakness. I certainly do not. I find that by asking questions and being open to learn, an opportunity for gaining wisdom and learning something new is of high probability. It does not necessarily mean that one is obligated to give up something of oneself, or one's deepest values and convictions. The way I see it, there's an opportunity for personal growth and strength. How is this a weakness?

Jesus said, "But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart..." (Matt. 15:18) What is in your heart? I gave my heart to the Lord many years ago, and I enjoy Kingdom centered conversations. I wonder what 21st century Christendom would look like if more of our conversations became holy moments.

Get rid of da 'junk in your trunk!'

Here are the main points from my sermon, "Get rid of da 'junk in your trunk!'"