Optimistic about future of Latino/a Church

I just wrapped up a few days of directing the Youth & Young Adults programming for the 15th Hispanic and Bilingual Assembly. This assembly culminated a 3 year vision from our National Pastor, Rev. Dr. Huberto Pimentel. It was a vision to lift up youth ministry around the US & Canada. The vision took us to New York, New Jersey, Indianapolis, Orlando, and even Walt Disney World! And if you ask me if I think we were successful in fulfilling the vision, my answer would be "YES!"

Over the last 3 years I have met some of the most amazing youth and young adults. These are young people that have God-given gifts and talents. All they need is someone to encourage and support them.

This is a pic of a few Latino pastors who God is using around this country to fulfill His vision. I am truly optimistic about the future of our Hispanic/Latino(a) Church. May God receive all glory, honor, and praise!

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